Happy Medium

Both my orthopedic doctor and cardiologist have suggested I find a “happy medium” when it comes to exercise. For me, no exercise is bad, and so is too much exercise. I have to find that sweet spot in the middle. I tend to overdo it. In 2021 I hiked over 2,200 miles, but I think my time of hiking 6 miles every day of the year are probably over. While I could get away with that when I was younger, in my “golden years” I need to do a better job of reading my body. “No pain, no gain” doesn’t work for me any more.

After undergoing a battery of tests from my cardiologist, I got a great report- in fact, my cardiologist said he was jealous of my test results, so I was good to continue hiking- I just need to slow down if my heart rate starts getting too high- don’t push it. So on January 1, I dusted off my hiking boots and I joined some 50 people in the SEPA hiking group for their “First Day of the Year Hike” at Green Lane Park. It was my first hike in several months, as I had been taking it easy and visiting doctors. Although the hike would have been easy a year ago, I was out of shape. Not unexpectedly, after staying with the front of the pack for 3 miles, I noticed my knees hurting and my heart started beating fast. I’ve learned my lesson, and decided to stop and return back to my car without completing the whole hike with the group. After hiking another 3 miles returning to the car, my knees were hurting pretty bad. But I took it slow, and my heart rate was fine when I wasn’t trying to keep up with the speed hikers.

Today, after 3 weeks of physical therapy, my knees were feeling good again, and I needed to get back out there. This time with a smaller group of friends, and a shorter hike. I also worry more about the weather nowadays, so I don’t hike when the temperature is in single digits (or over 100), but I was fine with a sunny day and temperatures in the upper teens. My kind of hiking weather- I prefer hiking in the cold over hiking when it’s hot, any day. We went to the nearby Natural Lands Meng Preserve, a 101-acre property in Montgomery County. It is entirely wooded with impressive outcrops of diabase boulders and vernal pools. It is part of a larger landscape—the 6,777-acre Stone Hill Greenway—notable for its vast, unbroken forest. The preserve was once the home of Eva R. Meng who gifted the land in her will to Valley Forge Audubon Society in 1994. Eva and her sister, Edna, were avid preservationists. The preserve includes two miles of hiking trails, including trails named in honor of both Meng sisters. Yep- just 2 miles of trails, but some small hill climbs and crunching through the snow made it a nice workout. Just what the doctor ordered. I was back in my happy space.

I arrived home, took a warm shower, and did my PT stretching exercises, and iced my knees. I felt great. I can learn to live in the “happy medium”. I’ll just take my time, do my exercises daily to keep in shape, and follow what my body tells me. I’ll work my way back to tougher and longer hikes, but do it gradually, and give myself time to recuperate. Life in the golden years!

If you want to join me for a hike some time, send me your email address. I’ll add you to my hiking group list and keep you updated on future hikes.


4 responses to “Happy Medium”

  1. steve wilson Avatar
    steve wilson

    I would love to join you in a hike , but my schedule is completely different from yours . I Think I could keep up , with working Night Work for Years & Years I get over 20,000 Steps at night . But the ruff terrain might be tough for me .
    Just had a physical & for my age & only one medication , I’m in Great Shape .
    Maybe someday I’ll join you .
    Be careful .

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      Cool- I’ll add you to my email list with when we’re hiking. If you are ever free and would like to join us, please do! (I always note the distance and difficulty so you know what to expect.)

  2. Bill Mecaughey Avatar
    Bill Mecaughey

    Great post, Jack. Glad you’re back on the trail. Your perseverance is inspiring!

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      Thanks, Bill. I owe it all to you. I went on my first hike with you- Sunfish Pond when I was 11 years old!

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