Gimme A Head With Hair

“Gimme a head with hair
Long, beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming
Streaming, flaxen, waxen

Give me down to there
Shoulder length or longer (Hair!)
Here baby, there mama
Everywhere daddy daddy

Hair, hair, hair, hair
Grow it, show it
Long as I can grow it
My hair” (Hair Broadway Musical – 1968)

One of my biggest arguments with my father when i was a teenager was over the length of my hair. It was the 70s- all of my friends and classmates had long hair. It was bad enough that I was young for my grade. I really felt I didn’t fit in with my short hair. But I had to listen every time dad said, “Get your hair cut- you look like a girl!” I hated it. My hair was parted to one side and combed straight back. Even though it was very short, every morning after I left the house, I would push my hair forward so at least I had bangs to make me look a little cooler (It didn’t work.) And I was obsessed with grabbing what short hairs were on the side, and trying to pull them over my ears so at least the very top part of my ears had a hair or two covering them. (Ironically now I have too much hair growing on my ears.) Then, when I came home, i would comb the hair on the top of my head back, and push the little bit of hair on the side behind my ears and hope that I could avoid a haircut for another few days. Dad was none too happy when my yearbook photo (below) had my hair combed forward into bangs, but there wasn’t much he could do about it at that point.

By the time I was on my own, long hair was going out of style, and I did want to look presentable for my job. By that time, my hair involuntarily started to disappear. I was in my early 20s when a co-worker first told me my hairline was receding. It was said in a joking way, but I took notice. It wasn’t until my late 30s that I looked in the mirror at the back of my head and saw that dreaded hairless circle. I hated the look of comb-overs and hair pieces and hair transplants, so I decided to just cut off the remaining hair. That was the best decision I ever made- no more worrying about my hair, it was easy to care for, and bald heads were in style. It took 30 years, but I no longer lamented over my hair (or lack of it).

Later in my life, dad acknowledged that he was too strict about my hair when I was young. I hung out with a good crowd and he realized that a person’s hair didn’t define them. We would laugh about it, but I don’ t think he ever realized how much it stung when I was younger. Of course I do occasionally wonder what I would have looked like with a flowing head of hair. And I admit I still get a tad jealous when I see someone like Deep Purple’s Glenn Hughes (whom I saw at Sellersville Theater this week) who, at 72 years old, still has a head of hair I could have only dreamed of as a teen. But I’m OK with it now- I happily no longer feel the need to sing “Gimme a head of hair”.

Some photos from my class yearbook. Which one is me?
Glenn Hughes (of Deep Purple)

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14 responses to “Gimme A Head With Hair”

  1. Sandy Goettel Avatar
    Sandy Goettel

    I didn’t realize boys had hair issues lol. Pretty sexist of me. All of my BF’s had long hair-one of them very long hair, so I never really thought about it. I see you in the photo!

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      Exactly! The girls liked guys with long hair….

  2. Bob Ski Avatar
    Bob Ski

    My forehead and hairline have been having a race to the back of my head since I was in my late 20’s. It has been a slow race but a race nonetheless.

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      Slow is the way to go- that’s one race I wish I didn’t win!

  3. Bobo Avatar

    At 70, all I have left is a full head of hair!!! Besides that I feel old !!!!!

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      I wish I had your secret potion for keeping that amazing head of hair you still have!

  4. Tony Ciafardoni Avatar
    Tony Ciafardoni

    I always find it amazing to think about the trivial things people get worked-up over. I was reading that when a czar was trying to reform the Orthodox rituals a whole congregation rebelled, locked themselves in a church and lit themselves on fire when they were told that they had to bless themselves with three fingers instead of two. History is rife with such examples. By the 70s, I was in college and I wore my hair any way I wanted. But as a 13 year old, I went to the barber shop with my father. I wanted only a trim and explained in detail just how it should be styled. My father just smiled. I took off my glasses (I am very nearsighted). My father said something to the barber in Italian and when I put my glasses back on, I had a crew-cut. It grew back quickly and I never went to that barber again.
    Now it is a daily ritual for my wife and I to watch the news or some commercial and say to each other: “If our parents were watching this, their heads would explode.”

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      LOL- love the crew-cut story! So true about our parents’ heads exploding nowadays.

  5. James Brian Graver Avatar
    James Brian Graver

    I had hair below my shoulders in 73-74 in college…when I was close to graduating in 75 my parents told me in a telephone call on a pay phone in the dorm not to come home until I got a hair cut because I would never get a teaching job with long hair…I got a haircut and taught in elementary schools for 36 years…lol

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      What a great story! I have to see a photo of that college-aged Jim! I commuted to college, so dad was still pretty much calling the shots since I was living under his roof..

  6. Randee Cahan Avatar
    Randee Cahan

    Loved reading this & recognize some of the guys above!!
    Here’s a quote from my dad who was also follicly challenged..”God created only so many perfect heads…The rest he covered with hair!”

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      I agree with your dad! 🙂

  7. Jacki Desnoyers Avatar
    Jacki Desnoyers

    My mother hated bangs & I wasn’t allowed to wear them. I cut them anyway, and wore a headband in the house. Took it off at the bus stop.

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      So it wasn’t just me! 🙂

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