Author: Jack Leitmeyer

  • Decisions, Decisions

    From the time we are young, life is a series of decisions. But I’ve noticed that as we get into our “golden years”. more and more of these decisions are about our health. When I was diagnosed with Fuchs Dystrophy 2 years ago, I was told my eyes would continue…

  • I’m Cool For Cats

    All of my life I was a dog person. Cats never seemed too friendly to me- they couldn’t play fetch, they had that messy litter box, they scratched everything. I was a dog guy! When I was young, we had Prince the poodle. When Eva and I first got married…

  • Rockin’ In The New Year

    I enjoy all genres of music- jazz and folk to heavy metal and classical. But nothing gets me more excited than hearing those classic oldies from the 60s and 70s. And no one covers that era better than our friends in the AM Radio Tribute Band. We had a great…

  • Christmas Traditions

    When our mothers were alive, every Christmas we would get our families together at someone’s house to celebrate the holidays. After both of our mothers passed, we decided to change the tradition last year and go out instead- it was getting to be too much work having so many people…

  • I’m Happy When I’m Hiking

    “Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp… I’m happy when I’m hiking, pack upon my back, I’m happy when I’m hiking, off the beaten track. Out in the open country, that’s the place for me…” I loved hiking when I was a kid in Boy Scouts. As I got…

  • My Top 10 Concerts of 2023

    With apologies to all of our favorite local musicians and bands that we see on a regular basis, here are my top 10 concerts for 2023:

  • Jack-John?

    You may wonder why my blog’s URL is “”. Like my father and grandfather, I was named “John”. But also like my dad, I was nicknamed “Jack”. Not everyone knows Jack is a nickname for John, but I always give the example of John F Kennedy, who was also called…