I’m Happy When I’m Hiking

“Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp… I’m happy when I’m hiking, pack upon my back, I’m happy when I’m hiking, off the beaten track. Out in the open country, that’s the place for me…”

I loved hiking when I was a kid in Boy Scouts. As I got older, life happened and I got involved in work, family, and other interests. It was not until I retired that I started hiking again with any regularity, specifically to prepare for a bucket list hike to the summit of Mount Fuji in Japan. I loved it- getting a good workout, seeing some beautiful views, getting out into nature and taking a break from the TV and computer. I started my own little hiking group with friends, and continued to hike after my trip to Japan. I even joined a larger SE Pennsylvania Hiking Group for more hikes and making new friends. Good times!

When CoVid hit in 2020, I was leading an active retiree lifestyle. Then all of a sudden, everything I enjoyed shut down- no more concerts, volunteering, and socializing. It didn’t take long for me to get cabin fever. Hiking rescued me, by being the one activity I could do on my own, out in the fresh air where I could relax and clear my head. In 2021, in response to a virtual challenge, I hiked a total of 2,280 miles. As fun as it was, by the end of the year I needed a break from daily hikes as it was taking its toll on my aging body. I eventually started hiking again, but my knees started bothering me from worsening osteoarthritis, and I started developing a rapid heartbeat and feeling faint when tackling some of the more serious hills that used to come easily to me. After undergoing several tests, my cardiologist concluded… I’m suffering from old age. I passed the tests with flying colors, but was instructed to know my limits, and when my heart rate is telling me to slow down, it’s time for a break. My knees are in a similar situation- they naturally wear down with age. I will most likely face knee replacements at some point, like many of my friends. But for now, I’m hanging in there and trying to find the happy medium where I can get still get in some hiking while take steps to preserve my knees as long as possible. Physical therapy and losing some weight to reduce the pressure on my knees will also help. After a several month hiatus, I finally got back on the trails- hiking poles in hand for support, a knee brace, ibuprofen, and I was good to go. Back in my happy place.

In my “golden years”, I have learned to accept that this is the new normal. I’m certainly happy for every step I take out in our beautiful countryside. Come join me on a hike some time!


4 responses to “I’m Happy When I’m Hiking”

  1. Gary Uzelac Avatar
    Gary Uzelac

    Jackson, … how about a hike in Fox Chase, our old stomping grounds.
    Pennypack Park(if it’s safe?!?!)

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      Good idea- let’s do it. I’ve hiked at Pennypack before. Some areas are better than others. I’ll keep you posted.

  2. Kathy Avatar

    I when my other commitments wind down, I’ll be happy to join you on a hike. Just give me a few more years until I retire.

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      Cool- we’d love to have you join us on a hike!

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