Top 10 Foreign Travel Destinations

Although my parents never traveled outside of the U.S., I was always interested in seeing the world. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel internationally over the years, both for business and pleasure. I truly believe the world would be a kinder place if more people got to experience other cultures. Eva and I enjoyed traveling before we had kids, and then we tried to pass on that interest in traveling to other countries in our children as well. They have all been abroad several times, from the time they were young. I will always remember walking through Ueno Park in Tokyo with my son when an elderly Japanese man spoke to him in broken English, saying how nice it was to see a young person from another country learning about his culture. Crossing Abbey Road and then attending a Paul McCartney concert in Hyde Park in London with another son was an unforgettable time. Taking another to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp was a very emotional experience. Now they are all grown, and I still enjoy traveling- the world is a big place and there are so many other places I want to see. Of all the places I’ve been, it’s hard to pick my favorite world destinations, but I’ll give it a shot. Here are the top 10 favorite foreign cities that I have visited.

  1. Tokyo, Japan – There are many great cities across Japan, and it’s rather cliche to pick Tokyo, but I just love it there- a mix of the excitement and bright lights of Times Square in New York City, combined with ancient castles and temples. The most populous city in the world, but you can hop on a train and be hiking in beautiful mountains with not a soul in sight. Ascend to the top of the Tokyo Sky Tree, the tallest tower in the world. Sing in a karaoke bar, attend a sumo match, play the latest high tech video games in Akihabara, relax with a traditional Japanese tea at the tea house in Rikugien Gardens, or enjoy a sake with locals in an izakaya. So much to see and do. My number one destination.
  2. London, England – I’ve been to London more than any other city, other than Tokyo. I’ve attended many great concerts there (including Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, and Pearl Jam), and have seen several great plays in the famous West End theater district. It’s so easy to get around on the “tube”. It’s another city with an interesting mix of new modern buildings and old ancient castles and palaces. While I’m not a huge fan of the Royal Family, it is interesting to see the famous locations and attractions related to their rich royal history. And no trip to London is complete without taking a quick train ride to Liverpool, the birthplace of the Beatles.
  3. Edinburgh, Scotland – I came upon Edinburgh by chance. The easiest way to get to Newcastle when my son was living there was to fly into Edinburgh and then take the train to Newcastle. On a few trips, I decided to stay in Edinburgh for a few days and see the sights. I really enjoyed it. Some fantastic hiking spots, including the beautiful Pentland Hills. The “Royal Mile” is full of amazing shops and restaurants and bars. A flight of scotch whisky and some haggis, and I was in heaven!
  4. Rome, Italy – I’ve been to Rome 3 times, and always got a thrill seeing the historic ruins like the Roman Forum and the Colosseum. And you can’t beat the food!
  5. Salzburg, Austria – I was only in Salzburg for a day, but I loved the beautiful countryside and rich history. The home of “The Sound of Music” and the birthplace of Mozart. I’d love to go back and spend more time there some day.
  6. Munich, Germany – I’ve been to Germany several times. I could pick several cities in Germany for my list, but Munich is special as we took a great family vacation there a few years ago. We had a great time. Drinking beer with my sons in a German biergarten that was recommended to me by Rob Hyman of the Hooters was a special treat.
  7. Athens, Greece – I’ve been to Athens 3 times, twice for work and once with Eva on vacation. I love the historical architecture. While I’ve seen the major sites and museums, Greece is another place I’d like to revisit and spend some more time there.
  8. Brussels, Belgium – I’ve been to Brussels a few times for work meetings, so I haven’t done a lot of sightseeing there. It’s been many years now, but I still remember the fabulous “Grand Place” city square. What a great place to sit outside, have a drink, and relax. I’d be there every day if I lived there. Any place famous for a statue of a little pissing man (“Manneken Pis”) deserves a spot on my list.
  9. Luxor, Egypt – While I found Egypt to be extremely hot (the temperature hit 120 F when we were there) with many poor people living in some areas, the ruins of this ancient Egyptian city were something to behold- the Karnak Temple and Valley of the Kings, with King Tut’s tomb should be on everyone’s “bucket list”.
  10. Paris, France – I’ve been to Paris three times, and while it’s not my favorite European city, there are so many iconic spots to visit, I had to include it on my list- from the Eifel Tower to the Louvre Museum, the Arch de Triumph to the Notre Dame Cathedral, the famous underground Paris Sewers to the creepy Catacombs, and dining on the Champs-Élysées, there are so many interesting things to see.

So there’s my list. What’s next? I’d certainly love to visit any of these favorite cities again. And we’ve talked about maybe going on a cruise. I’ve never visited Spain or Ireland- I’d love to see those countries some day. An African safari would be fun. Iceland and Australia were always on my wish list. Too many places, not enough time. What are your favorite foreign destinations?

Sharing tea with a Japanese shop owner
Me and Eva in Cairo
Heian Jingu Garden, Kyoto (scene from the movie “Lost in Translation”)
Magical Mystery Tour in Liverpool
Eva at the Western Wall in Jerusalem
Obersalzberg, Germany
On the Rhine River in Germany
Family rickshaw ride through Kamakura
The Catacombs in Paris
Me in Greece
With the boys in Munich
Looking like tourists in Salzburg, Austria
Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany
At the Foro Romano in Rome
Eva and I in Edinburgh, Scotland


2 responses to “Top 10 Foreign Travel Destinations”

  1. Gary Uzelac Avatar
    Gary Uzelac

    People talk about visiting the UK, Italy and France all the time , but Japan is so overlooked. Thanks for the recommendation, It’s on my bucket list now!

    1. Jack Leitmeyer Avatar
      Jack Leitmeyer

      If you ever get a chance to go to Japan, go for it! 日本に行きましょう!

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